Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Right Way To Get A Girl's Number

Now you have probably been looking at this girl for quite some time now and you are thinking to yourself how will you go about getting her phone number/cell phone number. There are numerous ways you can go about doing this but before you go into any of those techniques you need to understand that the phone number should only be used in order to get close to her, in order to speak to her. While we advocate that the best approach is always the straight forward approach to speaking to a girl we do acknowledge that there may be cases in which giving them a call may also be a good idea.
Speak To Her Friends
Now if you are in high school or senior year of college the girl you are interested in is bound to be surrounded by a number of close friends. If getting close to the girl you are interested in is not easy then try to befriend one of her close friends. Just tell them straight out that you want her phone number simply because you are interested in speaking to her. You can also get her friends to reveal useful information about her which you can use to further your relationship.
Small Talk Always Works
The other approach which you would want to take and something we highly advise you do is the direct approach to getting her phone number. There are going to be many guys who are nervous and will often get tongue tied when in the company of a beautiful girl. If you are one of these guys the best thing to do is to practice until you are confident. You can probably walk up to the girl you like and say "How is it going?" or probably "Hot day today isn't it?" The idea here is to strike up some sort of conversation as opposed to outright asking for her number. If you just get a lukewarm reply like "yea" or "no" or " don't know" then it means that you have a long journey ahead of you but if she smiles and say "yea great!" or something else it means you were successful. If you get a smile you can quickly follow up with another question like "how did your weekend go? Or something similar. Once you strike up a conversation you can then ask her for her number.
Caution - Refrain From Making Anonymous Calls
If you are a shy guy or someone who really has spaghetti legs when in the company of a girl you may be tempted to call her anonymously. Often times when you do something like that you are doing it from fear of getting rejected. But in 99% of the cases you will get rejected because the girl will think that you are a creep or probably a stalker.
Exercise - Practice Pickup Lines
In this exercise you should make a list of pickup lines. Your lines can be anything you think will trigger a conversation. Then practice them a few times before you head out to talk to women.
Michael is author and coach for various companies in the field of "dating advice for men". Over the years, has put the greatest international seduction techniques to the test and later developed his own effective style step by step for one purpose. To help men to understand how to impress girls they really like.

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Should You Be Mysterious Or Open Around A New Girlfriend?

Over the past few years there have been tons of articles which advised men to maintain a bit of mystery about themselves in order to get a women involved. But on the contrary there were many other articles which contradicted that men should be open about themselves and their lives so that women can trust them. Today these contradicting articles and advice columns have confused a new generation of men who do not know how to pursue a girl. Many men follow advice columns as if they were handbooks and fail miserably since they are missing two important elements i.e. personality and individuality. In this article we will explore exactly when men need to be open and when it is best to stay mysterious.
The Mystery Factor
As a general rule of thumb all human beings are curious, but women tend to be attracted to men who just seem to have a bit more to them than meets the eye. However, not all women are attracted to men like this; many women will actually want a man who is honest and dependable. They would want a man who actually told them everything even those embarrassing little details about their lives that most men won't. So the million dollar question is how to tell what a woman wants?
When you first meet a woman it is important that you get her interested in you and for this you need to create a bit of mystery. You just tell her enough so that you know you are a decent and dependable guy and for the rest of your meetings you just hear what she has to say. You only tell her about yourself when she asks. Since all women are attracted to men who listen to them and give them attention you shouldn't have problem getting into a relationship once you start practicing this.
Be Open Once You Know Her
It is important to know at this point that you should reveal more about yourself as your relationship matures. The only time you should start being really open once you have developed a serious relationship i.e. you become boyfriend and girlfriend. At this point you should be honest with her about everything and even tell her stuff you otherwise wouldn't tell anyone just so that she feels like you are confiding in her.
What You Should Always Avoid?
You should always avoid telling a woman everything about yourself from the time you meet her. This is just going to end up turning her off and she will walk away. You job is to spark her curiosity so that she asks stuff about you which then results in you giving her honest answers.
Exercise - How To Be Mysterious?
Many men do not know how to really hold themselves back when they meet a woman. Instead of trying to impress her about your job, your car and your lifestyle just sit back and listen to what she has to say and you will be surprised as to how easy women get hooked on to you.
Christo is author and head coach of Royal Campus Academy. Recently, he has incorporated his substantial experience from one unique Charisma Training for one purpose. To help men to understand how to attract the special girl they really like.

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Friday, October 7, 2011

How Do I Move on From a Relationship?

Does moving on from a relationship need so much effort? How do I move on from a relationship?
Jennifer's boyfriend broke up with her three months ago, but she still can't move on. She believes she will not be able to attract someone else as she feels he is the perfect guy for her, so she keeps reminiscing about the happy times the two shared together. The question that Jennifer keeps asking herself is "how can I move on from this relationship and forget him?"
Millions of people are unable to move on after they break up with their partner. They feel stuck in the past and many give up on life and they experience severe depression. Taking charge of their lives and moving on seems to be an impossible task for such people, especially at the beginning of a breakup.
How do I move on from a relationship
There are many ways that can help you move on from a relationship. In this article, I will give you three ways that can help you learn how to move on from a relationship smoothly:
1. Recognize the reasons and take responsibility
Whenever you feel that you can't move on, ask yourself the following questions:
•Why I can't move on?
•What are the reasons that I still cling to my partner?
•Is it really worth it to stay stuck in the past while I know he/she doesn't want me?
•How can I move on from this relationship?
Whenever you feel you can't move on, start asking yourself these questions and start examining the answers you come up with. By doing this, you have moved from the victim role to I take responsibility for my life role.
For example, see the following scenario with Jennifer's example above:
Jennifer: Why can't I move on?
Her answer: I fee attached to him
Jennifer: Why do I feel attached to him? He hurt me and doesn't appreciate me. I deserve better.
Her answer: Yea, I do deserve better. I'm going to start taking charge of my life and start giving myself the care I truly deserve.
Usually, after you start asking yourself such questions and start taking responsibility for your thoughts and choices in life, you start realizing what you need to do in order to learn from the break up and move on with your life.
2. Surround yourself with positive people
It has been proven that surrounding yourself with family and friends who can support you is very beneficial and helps you to move on from a relationship much faster.
Find yourself a true friend who is positive that can help you see the light in your tough times. Have your friend help you see the benefits of the break up and the new opportunity that is waiting for you.
3. Make a plan
After you become aware that you need to move on to be able to lead a better life and ask yourself some solution focused questions as I mentioned above, you need to make a plan on how to get there.
One of the main reasons people fail to move on from a relationship easily is because they don't have a clear plan on how to get to where they want to be.
Let me ask you a question, if you live in Paris and you want to get to London, how are you going to get there without a clear plan. You will eventually get there, but it will take you longer. This is why having a plan is an important element of moving on from a relationship.
Working on a goal, volunteering, and helping someone can all be plans that you use to help you move on in your life and mend your broken heart much faster.
Do you know that only 3% of the world's population manage to plan and reach their goals? The main goal for is to help you become from the top 3% of the world's population who know how to achieve any goal they desire in all areas of life. If you have a specific goal that you want to accomplish or want to improve an area of your life, but do not know how or why you are not getting any result, then this is the place for you.

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