Friday, December 30, 2011

10 Date Ideas for Art Lovers

If the woman or man you're dating loves art, impress them by suggesting one of the following activities for your next date. It's an opportunity to see them in an environment that brings them joy. Who knows - you may even learn a thing or two about art!
1. Visit the Local Public Art Gallery
Whether you're looking at a masterpiece by Rembrandt, an Emily Carr, or the work of a local artist; art can be a natural conversation starter. To those not versed in art or painting, don't worry about using the right language or terminology. If your date is an art lover they can teach you. If you want to save some money, check to see if the gallery has any free viewing periods.
2. Browse Privately Owned Art Galleries
Most cities have a number of art dealers who exhibit art for sale via their gallery. Some may specialize in showcasing and selling a specific type of art - such as sculptures, paintings, First Nations art - or specific artists. Check to see if they're open to the public. If not, they may have upcoming events or exhibitions.
3. Tour Public Art Displays
Take a look around you - are there sculptures scattered throughout your city? If so, have a sculpture hunt and visit a handful of them. Many cities have a sculpture garden or park with a collection of pieces in one area. It's a great opportunity to walk around and take some pictures of you next to various art pieces to document your date.
4. Take an Art Class
Spend an afternoon learning how to paint, sketch, or throw pottery. If classes aren't your thing, get a book on painting or sketching and try to teach yourselves one rainy afternoon. Remember to sign and frame your masterpieces!
5. Finger Paint
Relive a time you probably loved as a kid. All you need is paper, paint and some rags to wipe your hands on. Get your hands in the paints and create!
6. Splatter Paint
Bring out your inner Jackson Pollack and try splatter painting. If there are no studios set-up for that sort of thing, you could improvise. Cover an area in the garage with tarps (floor, walls and ceiling); tape a big piece of paper or secure a stretched canvas on the wall; put on your old clothes or overalls, a hat and goggles; and start flinging some paint at the canvas. Put on any music that brings out your creative self.
7. Get a Caricature Sketch
In the summer time there is often a caricature artist or two set up in the tourist area of town. Sit down and let them do their thing.
8. Sketch the City 
Get a pad of paper and pencil and set out into the city. Try your hand at sketching a boat at the pier, a coffee cup at the cafe, or the trees in the park. If your date is a talented sketcher, just watching them create can be awe-inspiring. At the very least you can play with an Etch-a-Sketch.
9. Local Art School Events
Are there any local art schools in your city? If so, they'll often have at least one art exhibit during the year. It's an opportunity to converse about the young talent in your city.
10. Build Rock Sculptures
If you live on a coast or shoreline, you may see a handful of large rocks balanced in a free-standing sculpture. To make your own, get a handful of smaller stones and start stacking them. To make it harder - try balancing some of them on their ends.
Want more date ideas? Get your copy of 65 Ideas for Dates as well as the "Online Dating Success Tactics" report at:

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Are These Limiting Beliefs Keeping You Single?

In my experience, at least half of dating success is mindset. Simply put--your beliefs set the stage for everything else.
What I see when I talk to men who are struggling to attract the amount and kinds of women the want is that they have a lot of limiting thoughts in common. Today I want to run through a few of them and see what we can't do about changing how you think about the whole dating and relationship game.
1. If I get rejected it's because there's something wrong with me.
No, no, no and NO. If you get rejected it may be for one of a dozen reasons, only ONE of which is that you did something wrong. Most likely, though, it's one of the other reasons.
Now, look. I'm all about self-honesty. And if you're consistently failing to connect with women, then there's work to be done. But that's far different than jumping to the conclusion that you're hopeless, useless, worthless, weird, stupid, unattractive or any of the other labels you use to beat yourself up with after a woman gives you a no.
Getting turned down is just the price of admission in this game. And I'll let you in on a secret -- it happens to super attractive guys, too. The difference is that they they don't take it personally.
2. I'm a loser if I spend a Saturday night alone.
Your relationship status does not define your self worth. Having problems meeting and attracting women is no different, really, than struggling to learn any skill.
I'm no good at working with my hands. The dog literally hides when I get out my toolbox--that's how many temper tantrums I've thrown after wrenching on things and breaking them. Does it frustrate me? You bet. Does the fact that I'm no good with tools make me a loser? I don't think so.
In fact, I'm pretty sure that if I took a few classes, I could at least learn to be competent.
People are born with different skills, strengths and weaknesses. Some guys happen to be lucky at love. Some have to work a little harder at it. It's nothing to be ashamed of if you're one of the guys who wasn't born with that gift. As a matter fact most guys and girls... AREN'T.
You're not alone. You're not broken. You just need to polish up on a few things.
3. Women want someone more flashy and exciting.
This is such a load of BS. Don't let anyone tell you this. Sure, that's what SOME women want--mostly younger women who spend their time dancing in swanky clubs. But that's a very small percentage of the population. Go somewhere else and you'll find that women value and are attracted to very different things.
Go hit a Sunday church service and you'll find women who want men with a strong spiritual core. Volunteer at a soup kitchen and you'll meet women who love men who want to give something back to humanity. Talk to a woman who just got out of a bad marriage to an alcoholic. She's had all the excitment she can take for a lifetime. Now she wants responsible and sober.
If you find yourself consistently running into women who want something that you're not -- it's time for a change of scenery.
4. All the best women are taken.
Nah. Listen, I married late in life. And I found a good woman who only needed someone who would treat her heart with care.
That's it.
Because every other jerk she'd dated looked at her sweet, trusting, forgiving spirit... and decided that she'd be easy to mistreat. Where others saw an opportunity to exploit, I saw intrinsic good. I treated (and continue to treat) those qualities with great care and respect... and because I do, I receive back far more than I give.
There are a lot of people--both men and women--out there who are like this. They're just waiting to meet the right person. Sometimes they just don't know how.
5. I can't compete with the other guys.
It's not a competition unless you're talking about hookups and one night stands. If it's a long term relationship you're after, then it's simply about finding the right woman for you.
Do you see the difference? If you come to the table with the right skill set, then the kind of woman you want will be naturally attracted to you. You don't have to win a contest against another man. It's about matching yourself up with the right kind of women.
This is a subtle, but important change in mindset. What it does is focus your attention and passion on finding the right person instead of on competing for women as prizes.
When you get better at matching yourself up with the right kind of women, approaching and dating them becomes far easier because you've already eliminated most issues of incompatability.
Find Out What Poker Can Teach YOU About Getting More Girls
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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Are These Limiting Beliefs Keeping You Single?

In my experience, at least half of dating success is mindset. Simply put--your beliefs set the stage for everything else.
What I see when I talk to men who are struggling to attract the amount and kinds of women the want is that they have a lot of limiting thoughts in common. Today I want to run through a few of them and see what we can't do about changing how you think about the whole dating and relationship game.
1. If I get rejected it's because there's something wrong with me.
No, no, no and NO. If you get rejected it may be for one of a dozen reasons, only ONE of which is that you did something wrong. Most likely, though, it's one of the other reasons.
Now, look. I'm all about self-honesty. And if you're consistently failing to connect with women, then there's work to be done. But that's far different than jumping to the conclusion that you're hopeless, useless, worthless, weird, stupid, unattractive or any of the other labels you use to beat yourself up with after a woman gives you a no.
Getting turned down is just the price of admission in this game. And I'll let you in on a secret -- it happens to super attractive guys, too. The difference is that they they don't take it personally.
2. I'm a loser if I spend a Saturday night alone.
Your relationship status does not define your self worth. Having problems meeting and attracting women is no different, really, than struggling to learn any skill.
I'm no good at working with my hands. The dog literally hides when I get out my toolbox--that's how many temper tantrums I've thrown after wrenching on things and breaking them. Does it frustrate me? You bet. Does the fact that I'm no good with tools make me a loser? I don't think so.
In fact, I'm pretty sure that if I took a few classes, I could at least learn to be competent.
People are born with different skills, strengths and weaknesses. Some guys happen to be lucky at love. Some have to work a little harder at it. It's nothing to be ashamed of if you're one of the guys who wasn't born with that gift. As a matter fact most guys and girls... AREN'T.
You're not alone. You're not broken. You just need to polish up on a few things.
3. Women want someone more flashy and exciting.
This is such a load of BS. Don't let anyone tell you this. Sure, that's what SOME women want--mostly younger women who spend their time dancing in swanky clubs. But that's a very small percentage of the population. Go somewhere else and you'll find that women value and are attracted to very different things.
Go hit a Sunday church service and you'll find women who want men with a strong spiritual core. Volunteer at a soup kitchen and you'll meet women who love men who want to give something back to humanity. Talk to a woman who just got out of a bad marriage to an alcoholic. She's had all the excitment she can take for a lifetime. Now she wants responsible and sober.
If you find yourself consistently running into women who want something that you're not -- it's time for a change of scenery.
4. All the best women are taken.
Nah. Listen, I married late in life. And I found a good woman who only needed someone who would treat her heart with care.
That's it.
Because every other jerk she'd dated looked at her sweet, trusting, forgiving spirit... and decided that she'd be easy to mistreat. Where others saw an opportunity to exploit, I saw intrinsic good. I treated (and continue to treat) those qualities with great care and respect... and because I do, I receive back far more than I give.
There are a lot of people--both men and women--out there who are like this. They're just waiting to meet the right person. Sometimes they just don't know how.
5. I can't compete with the other guys.
It's not a competition unless you're talking about hookups and one night stands. If it's a long term relationship you're after, then it's simply about finding the right woman for you.
Do you see the difference? If you come to the table with the right skill set, then the kind of woman you want will be naturally attracted to you. You don't have to win a contest against another man. It's about matching yourself up with the right kind of women.
This is a subtle, but important change in mindset. What it does is focus your attention and passion on finding the right person instead of on competing for women as prizes.
When you get better at matching yourself up with the right kind of women, approaching and dating them becomes far easier because you've already eliminated most issues of incompatability.
Find Out What Poker Can Teach YOU About Getting More Girls
Get your FREE REPORT today at:
Plus grab more fantastic free tips on meeting and attracting women...

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why Should I Hire a Dating and Relationship Life Coach?

There is a lot of buzz about hiring a dating coach with the movie "Hitch" and with TV and the latest shows like, "How to Get the Guy". You may be considering, "Is this something that can help me? Is it worth the money?" Like anything in life, when you put focus and persistence together, you get results. Here are some reasons to consider hiring a dating and relationship coach:
1. Who can you really trust?
Everyone has an agenda. Your friends want to beat you to the punch line. Your parents want you to settle for a "nice" but nerdy guy. Your married friends want you to stop whining and can't figure what's wrong with you. A coach is an objective person who will give you the real scoop and tell you like it is!
2. The coach looks at your life as a holistic system.
It's important to consider how the other pieces of your life impact your dating life such as work and family obligations. Many times the other areas in your life make it very difficult to put the attention to dating. A coach looks at the best options for you to consider given your circumstances. One client I told her that she is not in a good position to be dating and to take care of her family needs first. She actually felt relieved that she was let off the hook.
3. To nail down your true values to help you target the right people to date.
Most of my clients think they know their values, but many are uncovered that they never really thought about. I do an in-depth values clarification with every client. They all tell me that this is the key to finding the right relationship.
4. Help you dump your excuses about not dating successfully
Everyone has reasons they can't get a date or why they are not dating. "When I lose 10 pounds, I'll start dating." Baloney! People meet people at all ages, sizes and shapes. If you are stuck in a negative perspective, it may be time to get some new and positive ideas to move you forward.
5. To kick your butt into action!
Just like a personal trainer, a dating and relationship life coach will push you to do more. A dating coach will help you get out and try new things to meet people. I have gotten my clients on online dating websites and told them to contact at least 50 women in order to get a couple of positive responses. I stay on them to go to events in their area and to consider singles trips-especially in the summer.
Sometimes you need a push in the right directions. That's the role of the dating and relationship life coach.
Amy Schoen, MBA, CPCC, DC based relationship life coach helping singles to attract the right romantic relationship into their lives and couples to have the relationships of their dreams. She is the author of "Motivated to Marry(R)-Now There's a Better Method to Dating and Relationships", "30 Reasons Not to Get Married Until You are 30" and "Get It Right This Time(TM)-How to Find and Keep Your Ideal Romantic Relationship". For dating and relationship tips for men and women, listen to Amy's FREE Motivated to Marry® teleclass and receive weekly relationship advice via her blog posts at

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Three Nonverbal Signals He'll Throw Your Way That You Don't Want To Miss

How do you know if he likes you? If you're like most girls, you've asked that question at least once in your life. You're not alone. It really is hard to tell. There are different reasons, but it usually boils down to one or two things:
1. Some guys are shy.
2. Some guys just don't know how to let you know.
Guys can be so socially awkward and immature sometimes. If it were up to them, most would settle for pulling your ponytail just like they did during recess in elementary school. ("I like her. How can I tell her? Oh! Oh! I know. I'll pull out a clump of her hair in front of her friends and she's sure to get the message.")
So how can you know if he likes you despite his complete lack of social awareness? Here are three tried and true nonverbal signals that you can look for that will let you quickly and easily know if he sees you as more than just a friend.
1. You get the feeling that someone is looking at you, but as soon as you turn in his direction he immediately looks away and appears disinterested.
This one is hard to spot, but if you've ever done it to a guy yourself (and most of us have) then you'll recognize the signs that he's doing it to you.
2. He'll smile at you from a distance, but as soon as you're close, he'll look anywhere but directly at you.
This one is a dead giveaway. Most guys have no problem playing the part of the "confident male" from across the room. There's no danger in that. In fact, he may seem like a real Romeo when he texts or emails you, but as soon as he has to think of what to say in real time with you standing there, his sudden surge of hormones and racing pulse and make it almost impossible for him to keep his thoughts straight and together.
3. His voice may crack or he may stammer over words when he talks to you.
Again, blame it on the raging hormones. When a guy sees a woman to whom he's attracted within touching distance, he can easily become flustered. The number of images and scenarios racing through his mind is spectacular. There may even be times when he starts talking that he doesn't remember what he was talking about -- in mid-sentence!
Yes guys are an unusual breed. Harder to piece together than a jigsaw puzzle. But they are so worth the time it takes to figure them out. If you're wondering if a guy is interested, these three clues will give you insight. Couple them with your built-in woman's intuition and you'll have a really good idea if he's into you whether he admits to it or not.
Sara J. writes about love, dating and relationships. You can find more of her articles on guys, gals and the dynamics between them at the website

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Monday, November 7, 2011

Conversation Chemistry: If Only, I Learned From This Dating Advice Book On Communication With Women

Did you know, one of the key skills that any good dating advice books will show you is communication.
Here's a fact to consider: Over 60 percent of marriages in our society ends in divorce. OVER HALF of all new marriages will fail. This is very heartbreaking for individuals, and for families. Do you know one of the most common reasons that these relationships fail? It's because of the lack of communication, or because of toxic communication.
The lack of communication goes deeper than just not saying "How was your day" when the couple comes home, although pleasantries would certainly be endearing and polite.
The lack of communication means that both people either aren't being real with what's on their minds and their hearts. Or, they have simply stopped speaking with each other. Actually, the first leads to the second condition. For example, men tend to hold their thoughts close to the vest, as the saying goes. It's just in a man's nature to not be expressive. Men are conditioned in this way, because they are taught that anything less is being a "punk", "chump", or any different behavior means that he just isn't being a man on some level.
On the other hand, women don't communicate because they have been taught to play toxic games with the opposite sex. They are taught the game of "If he loves me then...". Part of how this game works, is that the man is supposed to guess at what the woman is thinking and feeling. If he loves her, then he will always have his radar up at all times of the day, 24/7, always knowing exactly what is on her mind and her heart. She will never have to tell him anything. This absolves her of the responsibility of being a healthy communicating adult, and it "shows" her how much he loves her. Of course, because men don't in fact have mind reading radars or capabilities, then the woman's needs aren't met. She will respond to this with resentment, pouting, and bitterness.
This will result in a host of behaviors that are toxic, and downright abusive. These behaviors can include the "blame game", biting remarks, sarcasm, lashing out, screaming, name calling, or fits of rage that include violence or tantrums. Or, things can go ice cold. There will be stonewalling, ignoring, avoidance, neglecting each others' physical needs, and drifting apart until someone is not only unfaithful, but they feel justified in their indiscretions.
A dating advice book that teaches couples how to communicate would help to solve these problems. "A dating advice book?" someone might holler out. Yes, the book is targeted for men who want to succeed in dating women and improve their relationships with women.
It goes without saying that couples at any stage of their relationship would need to know how to communicate with each other. Without healthy communication, and a healthy understanding of who each person is to each other, the relationship is doomed!
"Conversation Chemistry" is a dating advice book that enables you to communicate with women. This dating guide is loaded with 300 pages of "how to" tips on understanding and communicating with women. Learn the skills that help you attract women on deeper and connecting level.
Macy has a background in psychology and learning and behavior and provides informative notes on the one Dating Advice Book that can help you learn how to attract women. Find that dating advice book that will help you get that girl or woman of your dreams:

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Right Way To Get A Girl's Number

Now you have probably been looking at this girl for quite some time now and you are thinking to yourself how will you go about getting her phone number/cell phone number. There are numerous ways you can go about doing this but before you go into any of those techniques you need to understand that the phone number should only be used in order to get close to her, in order to speak to her. While we advocate that the best approach is always the straight forward approach to speaking to a girl we do acknowledge that there may be cases in which giving them a call may also be a good idea.
Speak To Her Friends
Now if you are in high school or senior year of college the girl you are interested in is bound to be surrounded by a number of close friends. If getting close to the girl you are interested in is not easy then try to befriend one of her close friends. Just tell them straight out that you want her phone number simply because you are interested in speaking to her. You can also get her friends to reveal useful information about her which you can use to further your relationship.
Small Talk Always Works
The other approach which you would want to take and something we highly advise you do is the direct approach to getting her phone number. There are going to be many guys who are nervous and will often get tongue tied when in the company of a beautiful girl. If you are one of these guys the best thing to do is to practice until you are confident. You can probably walk up to the girl you like and say "How is it going?" or probably "Hot day today isn't it?" The idea here is to strike up some sort of conversation as opposed to outright asking for her number. If you just get a lukewarm reply like "yea" or "no" or " don't know" then it means that you have a long journey ahead of you but if she smiles and say "yea great!" or something else it means you were successful. If you get a smile you can quickly follow up with another question like "how did your weekend go? Or something similar. Once you strike up a conversation you can then ask her for her number.
Caution - Refrain From Making Anonymous Calls
If you are a shy guy or someone who really has spaghetti legs when in the company of a girl you may be tempted to call her anonymously. Often times when you do something like that you are doing it from fear of getting rejected. But in 99% of the cases you will get rejected because the girl will think that you are a creep or probably a stalker.
Exercise - Practice Pickup Lines
In this exercise you should make a list of pickup lines. Your lines can be anything you think will trigger a conversation. Then practice them a few times before you head out to talk to women.
Michael is author and coach for various companies in the field of "dating advice for men". Over the years, has put the greatest international seduction techniques to the test and later developed his own effective style step by step for one purpose. To help men to understand how to impress girls they really like.

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Should You Be Mysterious Or Open Around A New Girlfriend?

Over the past few years there have been tons of articles which advised men to maintain a bit of mystery about themselves in order to get a women involved. But on the contrary there were many other articles which contradicted that men should be open about themselves and their lives so that women can trust them. Today these contradicting articles and advice columns have confused a new generation of men who do not know how to pursue a girl. Many men follow advice columns as if they were handbooks and fail miserably since they are missing two important elements i.e. personality and individuality. In this article we will explore exactly when men need to be open and when it is best to stay mysterious.
The Mystery Factor
As a general rule of thumb all human beings are curious, but women tend to be attracted to men who just seem to have a bit more to them than meets the eye. However, not all women are attracted to men like this; many women will actually want a man who is honest and dependable. They would want a man who actually told them everything even those embarrassing little details about their lives that most men won't. So the million dollar question is how to tell what a woman wants?
When you first meet a woman it is important that you get her interested in you and for this you need to create a bit of mystery. You just tell her enough so that you know you are a decent and dependable guy and for the rest of your meetings you just hear what she has to say. You only tell her about yourself when she asks. Since all women are attracted to men who listen to them and give them attention you shouldn't have problem getting into a relationship once you start practicing this.
Be Open Once You Know Her
It is important to know at this point that you should reveal more about yourself as your relationship matures. The only time you should start being really open once you have developed a serious relationship i.e. you become boyfriend and girlfriend. At this point you should be honest with her about everything and even tell her stuff you otherwise wouldn't tell anyone just so that she feels like you are confiding in her.
What You Should Always Avoid?
You should always avoid telling a woman everything about yourself from the time you meet her. This is just going to end up turning her off and she will walk away. You job is to spark her curiosity so that she asks stuff about you which then results in you giving her honest answers.
Exercise - How To Be Mysterious?
Many men do not know how to really hold themselves back when they meet a woman. Instead of trying to impress her about your job, your car and your lifestyle just sit back and listen to what she has to say and you will be surprised as to how easy women get hooked on to you.
Christo is author and head coach of Royal Campus Academy. Recently, he has incorporated his substantial experience from one unique Charisma Training for one purpose. To help men to understand how to attract the special girl they really like.

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Friday, October 7, 2011

How Do I Move on From a Relationship?

Does moving on from a relationship need so much effort? How do I move on from a relationship?
Jennifer's boyfriend broke up with her three months ago, but she still can't move on. She believes she will not be able to attract someone else as she feels he is the perfect guy for her, so she keeps reminiscing about the happy times the two shared together. The question that Jennifer keeps asking herself is "how can I move on from this relationship and forget him?"
Millions of people are unable to move on after they break up with their partner. They feel stuck in the past and many give up on life and they experience severe depression. Taking charge of their lives and moving on seems to be an impossible task for such people, especially at the beginning of a breakup.
How do I move on from a relationship
There are many ways that can help you move on from a relationship. In this article, I will give you three ways that can help you learn how to move on from a relationship smoothly:
1. Recognize the reasons and take responsibility
Whenever you feel that you can't move on, ask yourself the following questions:
•Why I can't move on?
•What are the reasons that I still cling to my partner?
•Is it really worth it to stay stuck in the past while I know he/she doesn't want me?
•How can I move on from this relationship?
Whenever you feel you can't move on, start asking yourself these questions and start examining the answers you come up with. By doing this, you have moved from the victim role to I take responsibility for my life role.
For example, see the following scenario with Jennifer's example above:
Jennifer: Why can't I move on?
Her answer: I fee attached to him
Jennifer: Why do I feel attached to him? He hurt me and doesn't appreciate me. I deserve better.
Her answer: Yea, I do deserve better. I'm going to start taking charge of my life and start giving myself the care I truly deserve.
Usually, after you start asking yourself such questions and start taking responsibility for your thoughts and choices in life, you start realizing what you need to do in order to learn from the break up and move on with your life.
2. Surround yourself with positive people
It has been proven that surrounding yourself with family and friends who can support you is very beneficial and helps you to move on from a relationship much faster.
Find yourself a true friend who is positive that can help you see the light in your tough times. Have your friend help you see the benefits of the break up and the new opportunity that is waiting for you.
3. Make a plan
After you become aware that you need to move on to be able to lead a better life and ask yourself some solution focused questions as I mentioned above, you need to make a plan on how to get there.
One of the main reasons people fail to move on from a relationship easily is because they don't have a clear plan on how to get to where they want to be.
Let me ask you a question, if you live in Paris and you want to get to London, how are you going to get there without a clear plan. You will eventually get there, but it will take you longer. This is why having a plan is an important element of moving on from a relationship.
Working on a goal, volunteering, and helping someone can all be plans that you use to help you move on in your life and mend your broken heart much faster.
Do you know that only 3% of the world's population manage to plan and reach their goals? The main goal for is to help you become from the top 3% of the world's population who know how to achieve any goal they desire in all areas of life. If you have a specific goal that you want to accomplish or want to improve an area of your life, but do not know how or why you are not getting any result, then this is the place for you.

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How Do I Move on From a Relationship?

Does moving on from a relationship need so much effort? How do I move on from a relationship?
Jennifer's boyfriend broke up with her three months ago, but she still can't move on. She believes she will not be able to attract someone else as she feels he is the perfect guy for her, so she keeps reminiscing about the happy times the two shared together. The question that Jennifer keeps asking herself is "how can I move on from this relationship and forget him?"
Millions of people are unable to move on after they break up with their partner. They feel stuck in the past and many give up on life and they experience severe depression. Taking charge of their lives and moving on seems to be an impossible task for such people, especially at the beginning of a breakup.
How do I move on from a relationship
There are many ways that can help you move on from a relationship. In this article, I will give you three ways that can help you learn how to move on from a relationship smoothly:
1. Recognize the reasons and take responsibility
Whenever you feel that you can't move on, ask yourself the following questions:
•Why I can't move on?
•What are the reasons that I still cling to my partner?
•Is it really worth it to stay stuck in the past while I know he/she doesn't want me?
•How can I move on from this relationship?
Whenever you feel you can't move on, start asking yourself these questions and start examining the answers you come up with. By doing this, you have moved from the victim role to I take responsibility for my life role.
For example, see the following scenario with Jennifer's example above:
Jennifer: Why can't I move on?
Her answer: I fee attached to him
Jennifer: Why do I feel attached to him? He hurt me and doesn't appreciate me. I deserve better.
Her answer: Yea, I do deserve better. I'm going to start taking charge of my life and start giving myself the care I truly deserve.
Usually, after you start asking yourself such questions and start taking responsibility for your thoughts and choices in life, you start realizing what you need to do in order to learn from the break up and move on with your life.
2. Surround yourself with positive people
It has been proven that surrounding yourself with family and friends who can support you is very beneficial and helps you to move on from a relationship much faster.
Find yourself a true friend who is positive that can help you see the light in your tough times. Have your friend help you see the benefits of the break up and the new opportunity that is waiting for you.
3. Make a plan
After you become aware that you need to move on to be able to lead a better life and ask yourself some solution focused questions as I mentioned above, you need to make a plan on how to get there.
One of the main reasons people fail to move on from a relationship easily is because they don't have a clear plan on how to get to where they want to be.
Let me ask you a question, if you live in Paris and you want to get to London, how are you going to get there without a clear plan. You will eventually get there, but it will take you longer. This is why having a plan is an important element of moving on from a relationship.
Working on a goal, volunteering, and helping someone can all be plans that you use to help you move on in your life and mend your broken heart much faster.
Do you know that only 3% of the world's population manage to plan and reach their goals? The main goal for is to help you become from the top 3% of the world's population who know how to achieve any goal they desire in all areas of life. If you have a specific goal that you want to accomplish or want to improve an area of your life, but do not know how or why you are not getting any result, then this is the place for you.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Should You Be Mysterious Or Open Around A New Girlfriend?

Over the past few years there have been tons of articles which advised men to maintain a bit of mystery about themselves in order to get a women involved. But on the contrary there were many other articles which contradicted that men should be open about themselves and their lives so that women can trust them. Today these contradicting articles and advice columns have confused a new generation of men who do not know how to pursue a girl. Many men follow advice columns as if they were handbooks and fail miserably since they are missing two important elements i.e. personality and individuality. In this article we will explore exactly when men need to be open and when it is best to stay mysterious.
The Mystery Factor
As a general rule of thumb all human beings are curious, but women tend to be attracted to men who just seem to have a bit more to them than meets the eye. However, not all women are attracted to men like this; many women will actually want a man who is honest and dependable. They would want a man who actually told them everything even those embarrassing little details about their lives that most men won't. So the million dollar question is how to tell what a woman wants?
When you first meet a woman it is important that you get her interested in you and for this you need to create a bit of mystery. You just tell her enough so that you know you are a decent and dependable guy and for the rest of your meetings you just hear what she has to say. You only tell her about yourself when she asks. Since all women are attracted to men who listen to them and give them attention you shouldn't have problem getting into a relationship once you start practicing this.
Be Open Once You Know Her
It is important to know at this point that you should reveal more about yourself as your relationship matures. The only time you should start being really open once you have developed a serious relationship i.e. you become boyfriend and girlfriend. At this point you should be honest with her about everything and even tell her stuff you otherwise wouldn't tell anyone just so that she feels like you are confiding in her.
What You Should Always Avoid?
You should always avoid telling a woman everything about yourself from the time you meet her. This is just going to end up turning her off and she will walk away. You job is to spark her curiosity so that she asks stuff about you which then results in you giving her honest answers.
Exercise - How To Be Mysterious?
Many men do not know how to really hold themselves back when they meet a woman. Instead of trying to impress her about your job, your car and your lifestyle just sit back and listen to what she has to say and you will be surprised as to how easy women get hooked on to you.
Christo is author and head coach of Royal Campus Academy. Recently, he has incorporated his substantial experience from one unique Charisma Training for one purpose. To help men to understand how to attract the special girl they really like.

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Creative Ways To Ask A Boy Out Without Telling Him Directly

These days, it's not all too uncommon to find girls coming up with the most creative ways to ask a boy out. No longer do they have to wait for a guy to call or for someone to ask them out.
Thanks to various feminist movements over the years, women are now more empowered and are going after what they want (or in this case, who they want).
You, too, can try these creative ways to ask a boy out. Read on to find out how!
Tip # 1: Use Social Media.
Thanks to technology, you can now send your messages directly to the guy you like. And with social media, it's not too difficult to do that anymore.
If you have a Facebook or Twitter account, then the person you want to ask out probably has one as well. Why don't you take advantage of this and ask him out via Facebook?
From his account alone, you at least have an idea of what he enjoys doing and who he hangs out with.
Tip # 2: Assign Him A Specific Ring Back Message.
One of the more creative ways to ask a boy out is to come up with a specialized ring back tone he can listen to whenever he calls you.
One girl did this by recording a customer service type of message that went like this: "You have reached (your name). If you know the extension number, please dial it now. Otherwise, press one if you want to ask her out for dinner; press two if you want to send her a bouquet of flowers; press three if you want to pay her a visit."
Tip # 3: Make Him Answer A Survey.
Women who come up with creative ways to ask a boy out know that nothing is ever certain. However, since they are willing to take a chance for what could turn out to be a wonderful relationship, they end up reaping the best results.
One girl had the idea to pose a survey questionnaire to the guy she liked. The questions were supposedly about the perfect date; but at the end of the questionnaire, there was a question, "Will you go out with me this weekend? Yes or No." Needless to say, this girl got her date.
These are just some of the creative ways to ask a boy out. As you gain more confidence, you will surely have a few more to add to this list.
Want to make the man of your dreams fall in love with you? Use these secret mind control techniques. Grab your FREE course that reveals 10 groundbreaking persuasion secrets at

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Romantic Ways To Ask A Girl Out And Get That Date

Having trouble asking women out? Perhaps you're being a little too forward. Why don't you try coming up with more romantic ways to ask a girl out? Maybe then you'll have more luck.
Romanticists, after all, make the best lovers. Take a page from Cassanova and study these romantic ways to ask a girl out. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. It's all or nothing. What could be more romantic than that?
Tip # 1: Say It With Flowers.
You probably know that different flowers carry different messages. Daisies, for example, represent innocence and loyal love, while Tulips say that you'd be the perfect lover. Striped Carnations say you can't be with that person, while White Camellias say you find her adorable.
Flowers, in general, convey that you like a lady; but choosing the right flower can definitely raise your chances of success. Find out what different flowers represent so you can pick the "perfect" one for your purpose.
Tip # 2: Write Her A Letter.
Nobody writes love letters anymore, and that is precisely why it is still one of the most romantic ways to ask a girl out. If you haven't written one before or if you're not especially good at writing essays, don't fret. Just be yourself.
First of all, the words should come from the heart. Don't ask someone else to pen your affections for you. That leads to expectations and misunderstandings that could ruin you in the woman's eyes (you can, however, ask someone to proofread).
Be modest in your message. Tell her how much you admire her and ask for the opportunity to take her to dinner. Keep things simple and you'll be alright.
Tip # 3: Serenade Her.
One of the most romantic ways to ask a girl out is to serenade her. Just make sure that you can carry a tune. Bonus points if you can play an instrument (preferably a guitar).
If you can't sing and you can't play an instrument, you can still woo her through a song dedication. Get some of your more musically talented friends to help you out.
Choose a romantic slow song and then ask her to dance. Just make sure that you choose a venue that's not too crowded; because if the girl you like is a little bit on the shy side, this plan is best done somewhere more secluded.
Whether romance is your style or not, you should still give these romantic ways to ask a girl out a chance. Who knows? You just might find yourself with a date tomorrow night.
Want to make the girl of your dreams fall in love with you? Then make her laugh! Get 2 FREE amazing books on how to make women laugh and attract them at

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Coming to Terms With Dating Conflict - Learn to Handle the Bad Times to Get Through to the Good

How often does dating go the way you want it to? How long before the cracks start to appear in your cosy new relationship? When you find yourself in conflict with the new man in your life early on, things can quickly start to go wrong. This is part of the dating process and you need to learn to handle it. But instead of staying cool and alert and paying attention to our intuition, we women often dig our heels in, and try desperately to hang on to the relationship at any cost, despite our worries and frustrations. If you find that dating regularly turns into emotional turmoil which normally leads to the end of your new relationship then this article is for you.
If dating usually ends in a huge emotional confrontation then you are actually not so unusual. Many women find it hard to control their frustrations and emotions with men during the dating process. Let's face it, problems are always going to arise when two people start getting to know each other. In the beginning we put so much into it because we want so much to please. But as time moves on we start looking at what we are getting back, and it doesn't always seem to be as much as we have been giving.
For many a woman, her haste to get from dating to the "real relationship", and the premature expectations which go alongside this, puts her judgement out of balance and leads her to make bad decisions about how to react when problems arise. Rather than sitting back to see what a man is prepared to give, she is constantly pushing him for more. This leads to him feeling pressured to give more than he wants to and he may get angry or withdraw. This then triggers her worst fears that the relationship is falling apart and causes her to react over-emotionally which of course makes things worse.
In these situations, both partners end up feeling unappreciated and the gap between them gets wider until the relationship splits apart. This is a common pattern but many women are unaware that they play a part in this. Instead, they choose to blame men rather than take responsibility for themselves as a contributor to the problem. If you've been the common factor in many failed relationships, then you may want to consider this further. It was certainly a turning point for me when I realised this.
So how do we stop the small disagreements from turning into major emotional conflicts which rip our relationships apart? Well, we learn to handle our reactions. We look at our triggers - the things that cause us to react badly and can send us spiraling out of control. Most of us are subject to repeating patterns in relationships so these usually aren't too hard to find when we start to look back. A common example is where a man pulls away and a woman just cannot handle it.
We learn the common dating patterns and why and where these trip us up, and then we look at ways to overcome our bad reactions to these situations when they arise. Armed with this information, we are much more likely to succeed. We learn from our mistakes and we become aware so that we know what to do and what not to do in the future. We see the difference that small changes can make so that we are empowered not only to attract a man but to draw him in close so that he wants to become a permanent fixture in our lives. When we do this right, we no longer have to push for what we want because he will give it willingly and unconditionally.
When we realise that it is not the small things that break our relationships but simply the bad ways that we react to them, we can be less prone to our fear of loss sending us spiraling out of control. We will learn that when we can stay patient, we can handle the conflicts that arise during dating. The relationship not only gets through the turmoil but comes out of the other side stronger and closer than before. There will always be some level of conflict when you meet a new man. How long will you continue to let it blow your relationships apart?
To succeed at dating and find a strong, loving relationship, you need to understand what really makes a man feel good. There is a certain type of woman that a man is irresistibly attracted to. She knows how to captivate him and communicate with him to draw him close and get him to respond in the ways that she wants. You can learn to be the type of woman that men adore and never want to leave. For more information on how to succeed at dating please feel free to visit my website.

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