Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why Should I Hire a Dating and Relationship Life Coach?

There is a lot of buzz about hiring a dating coach with the movie "Hitch" and with TV and the latest shows like, "How to Get the Guy". You may be considering, "Is this something that can help me? Is it worth the money?" Like anything in life, when you put focus and persistence together, you get results. Here are some reasons to consider hiring a dating and relationship coach:
1. Who can you really trust?
Everyone has an agenda. Your friends want to beat you to the punch line. Your parents want you to settle for a "nice" but nerdy guy. Your married friends want you to stop whining and can't figure what's wrong with you. A coach is an objective person who will give you the real scoop and tell you like it is!
2. The coach looks at your life as a holistic system.
It's important to consider how the other pieces of your life impact your dating life such as work and family obligations. Many times the other areas in your life make it very difficult to put the attention to dating. A coach looks at the best options for you to consider given your circumstances. One client I told her that she is not in a good position to be dating and to take care of her family needs first. She actually felt relieved that she was let off the hook.
3. To nail down your true values to help you target the right people to date.
Most of my clients think they know their values, but many are uncovered that they never really thought about. I do an in-depth values clarification with every client. They all tell me that this is the key to finding the right relationship.
4. Help you dump your excuses about not dating successfully
Everyone has reasons they can't get a date or why they are not dating. "When I lose 10 pounds, I'll start dating." Baloney! People meet people at all ages, sizes and shapes. If you are stuck in a negative perspective, it may be time to get some new and positive ideas to move you forward.
5. To kick your butt into action!
Just like a personal trainer, a dating and relationship life coach will push you to do more. A dating coach will help you get out and try new things to meet people. I have gotten my clients on online dating websites and told them to contact at least 50 women in order to get a couple of positive responses. I stay on them to go to events in their area and to consider singles trips-especially in the summer.
Sometimes you need a push in the right directions. That's the role of the dating and relationship life coach.
Amy Schoen, MBA, CPCC, DC based relationship life coach helping singles to attract the right romantic relationship into their lives and couples to have the relationships of their dreams. She is the author of "Motivated to Marry(R)-Now There's a Better Method to Dating and Relationships", "30 Reasons Not to Get Married Until You are 30" and "Get It Right This Time(TM)-How to Find and Keep Your Ideal Romantic Relationship". For dating and relationship tips for men and women, listen to Amy's FREE Motivated to Marry® teleclass and receive weekly relationship advice via her blog posts at

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